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Recipes & Dieting Tips: Protein Shakes

Using the Right Protein Shake

The key to all diets is to consume multiple portions of protein throughout the day, particularly breakfast!

If you skip breakfast or lunch (or if you simply don't have time to prepare a protein meal such as eggs with sliced turkey, can of tuna, etc.) then the correct protein shake is a wonderful alternative. Protein shakes are also great for those who don't have access to healthy protein choices - such as while at work or while traveling (in the airport/hotel/conferences, etc.).

Having a protein shake helps to stimulate your metabolism, and by avoiding a skipped a meal, will keep you more full later in the day so that you don't incorrectly rationalize later on, when you would have otherwise been hungrier, that it is acceptable to eat poorly.

Choosing the right protein shake, though, is extremely important.

Most protein shakes at your local health-food store are meant either for 'working out' at the gym or as a meal replacement while on 'maintenance' (these would be high in protein but also high in carbohydrates) and not ideal for weight loss. Don't be fooled.

Here are a couple of good tips for selecting a Protein Shake intended for weight loss:

#1 The total calorie content should be < 150 calories per serving (consult your physician first to be sure that a low calorie shake is appropriate for you).

#2 The ratio of grams of protein to carbohydrates need to be at least 2:1 (not the opposite).

#3 Mix the shake with water (or other calorie free liquid, such as diet soda, seltzer, iced coffee).

Do not mix with milk or juice; and don't add fruit.

#4 The shake should be a meal replacement...not a snack or dessert after a meal; nor should it be used

before or after a workout.

#5 Protein Bars are not the same as protein shakes; and typically should not be used.

Always ask us first, before you start taking your own Protein Shake to be sure it is appropriate for you.

If you want to be certain that you are using the right type of shake, we offer our own brand of delicious specially formulated Protein Shakes (chocolate, vanilla, or strawberry) that not only taste great but are also perfect as a weight loss meal replacement.

Ask us about incorporating these great and useful Protein Shakes on your next visit with us.

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